bead soup party

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Use the Muse IV

I just wanted everyone to know how excited I am about the Beaders Muse Use the Muse IV contest. I entered the Use the Muse III contest for the first time and was a second place winner. You can imagine how excited I am now about the next competition. This one is going to be even better as Scarlett has broken down the entries into several categories. You can be a wireworker, beadmaker, bead stringer or bead weaver. There is something for everyone in this next competition. The deadline for pre-ordering your kit is February 25th at the reduced price. Kits will then be available until sold out. The deadline for entering your piece is April 12th. If you haven't ordered your kit, you need to get busy and get it done before the 25th to be sure you get one. This contest will really stretch your creativity to new levels. Go to to order your kit.