bead soup party

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Bead Soup Party is here again

The Bead Soup Party is on again - what fun. I can't believe how many more participants there are in this party versus the last one versus the one before that. Its popularity is growing and growing due in large part to all the wonderful work Lori puts into her "party hosting".

I think the fun part of this "soup" is getting to know your partner and finding out what colors they like, what findings they prefer, etc. etc. and then figuring out what you can send them to stretch their creativity. I have been fortunate to be partnered with a delightful artist, Kathy Alderfer/ We are already emailing and getting to know one another and I can't wait to go to my stash and select just the right beads for her. I hope all the other participants are also out there getting to know their bead soup buddies. I think the greatest thing about this party is that you get to make new friends. Also, when you are in a little bit of a beading slump like I am, this party and all the creative people in it help to motivate and spark your creativity. Happy beading and everyone take the time to get to know your partners as I can tell you I have lifelong friends in my last two partners and I am sure Kathy will be added to ths list..